Friday, February 20, 2009

A visit from Lanny- really late posting

Back before Christmas Lanny came and visited and we had so much fun! He helped me build a hutch for this dresser we were going to use on top of a dresser in the nursery. Now that was an experience!! It averaged about 10 degrees that week, so we did a lot of the work in the kitchen. Lets just say, Lanny really enjoys using to nail gun! Eventually the wood gave up and started rejecting the nails and we'd hear them bounce off the walls in the kitchen. A few days later I found one sticking out of the front of the fridge.

We also had an awesome snow that week. It was actually the best one we've had this year. I've been really disappointed b/c we have barely had any snow this year. So when this happened I made Lanny and Dan go buy a sled and we went sledding on this enormous hill in our neighborhood.

As you can see, I started out walking back up the enormous hill. Eventually, I gave up and crawled! :) It was so slick and this was the most I'd exerted myself in months (5 mo pregnant here). We had so much fun!

Here's a great shot of Lanny overshooting the sled. We were all soaked and freezing! I had snow frozen all the way around my shirt. Just like when I went snowboarding at Keystone, for those of you who remember that crazy day. I had a 3" ring of ice all the way around my shirt from spending more time in the snow than standing up on the board! :)

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