Thursday, November 6, 2008

A day in the life of the military

I recently saw a fellow blogger begin "A day in the life of..." posts and thought it was a really creative idea. It didn't really dawn on me to do the same until this past week when Dan kept coming home with interesting tales of his day. Military life is often like no other and I constantly find myself thinking "Just another day in the military." Life is constantly changing and completely unpredictable! Here are a few of those moments from the past 2 weeks.
One of Dan's daily routines is PT (physical training), which he does everyday beginning sometime around 5:45am to about 8:00am. Most days they do pretty typical stuff- run, push-ups, sit-ups; but this past couple of weeks has been quite interesting. A couple of weeks ago when it was in the 20's in the mornings Dan's unit had to drag tires on ropes for miles! He said that despite the freezing temps the tires were smoking!! I think he said they ran about 7 miles with them. Just another day! :)
The most recent story was from Tuesday. Dan came home with these nasty places behind his ears. The picture below doesn't even do it justice! I took this yesterday, so most of the swelling was gone. These are from carrying telephone poles while running for PT!! I think he said they only carried those like 3-4 miles. But they kept bouncing off his head so he had these nasty places on both sides.

Another random military tale. . . So a man joins the infantry thinking of guns and the front lines. Sure, Dan has done that, but his current job is BUS DRIVING SCHOOL!! How funny is that!? The other day I to say, "We won't be able to come, Dan has bus driving school." I NEVER thought I'd be able to say that. This just seemed really funny to me.


beccaellis said...

Yeah, we don't have days like that. I think it is specific to the army. Maybe you should change the title.

"A day in the life of the air force" would go like this:

Mike got home from deployment almost three weeks ago and today he told me that he has to be gone for a week starting on Friday.

Mike had to fly today and was supposed to be home 5:30ish and now it's 7:05 he still isn't home.

The plane broke down again and the mechanics spent all day trying to fix it. Mike just sat around the whole time. Looks like he will have to spend another day away to try to make up for this one.

That's how it would go. It wouldn't be uplifting.

beccaellis said...

**Update** Mike got home at 8:30.

Happy vetran's day Dan and Ashleigh!!!

Thank you both for your service and your sacrifice. You are the pride of America. Keep up the good work. We are proud of you.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you....

Paige said...

haha that's pretty funny. Mark was actually supposed to attend BUS DRIVING SCHOOL just before he deployed. Although he WAS the bus driver on his 1st deployment:)..oh th lovely army!