Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A great weekend!

This weekend was really great!! My BFF Mary came in to visit from TX and we had a blast! Saturday night I had to do this carnival for my school and Mary was such a good sport to come and help. I was a scary clown in the haunted house.
Mary helping me get ready.
Mary did my make-up. What do you think??
O the things we do for kids! The night went really well and the haunted house was extra freaky this year. This is me in my room of the haunted house. All the lights were out except a strobe light and I would jump out and grab kids and scream "Come play with me!" I got punched in the mouth and the arm and had one little boy slap at me like a little school girl screaming "Bang, Bang!" Why he was screaming bang, bang I have no idea because he was just slapping me. I was laughing so hard I couldn't stop! I just kept doing it to see how long he would do it. Finally his mom grabbed him and told him it was ok. You know, people that choose to work with kids must be out of their minds! :) HAHA!
Mary and I had also decided to put up my Christmas tree when she was in this weekend. Now, I've never put my tree up this early, but she was here and it already feels like winter here. It just felt right! We were going to do it Saturday. We went down to the storage room got out all the boxes, and right before we started we decided we needed something to drink. So we drove to the gas station and while there we decided we needed to go thrift shopping and out to lunch even though we were still in the sweats from that morning. By the time we were done with that we had to go to the carnival. So Sunday we started by putting up the tree. We got the lights and beads on but realized we needed hooks. So back to the store, which of course took about 2 1/2 hours as we tried on clothes and shopped for lots of things that weren't on the list. :) We did eventually get the tree done.

Dan was revolting against the early Christmas most of the weekend, but he did put on the star! What an awesome husband I have!
Ok, this looks random, but Mary was telling me that I really needed to post a picture of my belly. I've taken a few, but I always feel fat! Wonder why? :) It's hard to get one that looks OK. Well, after a few attempts we got this one that was decent. This is me at 16wks! Gettin' chunky! :)


Daisie and Andy said...

Being chunky (me) and having a baby belly (you) are two way different things. Enjoy it!

Danny*Chelle*Haylie said...

I can not believe you already have your tree up before Thanksgiving!! Thats awesome!! I want to put ours up now, but dont' really have a good excuse like yall do. It's still in the 80's here, not really winter weather just yet.

Ps-your belly is cute!

beccaellis said...

I'm jealous of your tree! We always get a real one so I can't put it up this early or it will be a fire hazard by the time Christmas gets here.

I'm glad ya'll had a fun weekend!

the nelsons said...

man, you do look freaky!
oh..i didn't even see the second pic.

ha..i crack myself up on a regular basis.

and if we lived in one house at the time, i would def be wanting to put my tree up. i can't wait to see yall next week!